Size Matters

Or does it?

How do we know? How do we even know what size something is? How do we know if things are big or small?

I’m not trying to reenact my 9th grade Philosophy class here, especially since I lasted about 5 seconds before I high-tailed it to the office for a schedule change.

Here’s what I think. The only way to know what size something is – is to compare it to something else.

Does that ring true?

A pebble would be huge to a grain of sand but miniscule to a boulder. Right? Size is determined by comparison.

So, if I look at the hill next to my house, which is 423 feet, it isn’t very tall compared to the mountain behind it, which is 1,219 feet.

But that hill is still a pretty great hike.

My point?

It can be really tempting to look around us, at all the bright smiling faces, and feel like nobody knows the trouble we’ve seen. We might think other people’s Mountains are Meteor Crater compared to ours.

And they might be. But how do we know? What’s hard for me isn’t hard for everyone else. What’s hard for everyone else might be a stroll in the park for me.

EVERYONE is climbing something that is super mega ultra hard…

For them.

The Moral?

Just love people. Don’t compare mountains. Don’t think no one understands what you’re going through. Big or Small – Everyone understands the climb.

I love the Quaker Proverb that states – “Thee lift me and I’ll lift thee and we’ll ascend together.”

So – Let’s just all link arms and hike out of this together!